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¬ work / andalusian memories






¬ a n d a l u s i a n  m e m o r i e s


andalusian memories: destruction left unspoken. The projections use blurred images within three frames to create vertical and horizontal patterns. The images reflect a property of memory: captured time, transformation in three dimensions,
a series of contrasts between still video images, time delay and acceleration as the poetics of a representation of memory.

(…)it may be that the incomplete story, the particle, the fragment, is now the preferred unit of information in our culture, and lack of place is more useful for presenting these fragments than to fix them into regular sentences and grits. (frances butler: punctuation, ot the dream of legibility: from vision to substance in: émigré #33, p. 59)

recorded light of the sun comes to reality. The idea undermines so many notions of memory; the latter reflects the indiviual record of the light that was, the memory of what seems important to us. The illusion of a mirror image can create a recollection of signs - watching each moment in retrospect.

